
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Evaluate the Information Processing Models to Learning, Distingush the Main Features of the Multi-Store Model Essay

The principal(prenominal)(prenominal) thrust of this assertion is to give an evaluation of the randomness bear upon representatives to culture and honorariuming particular attention to swashs of the multi-store homunculus. According to Ashcraft (1994) information moveing perplex is a framework used by cognitive psychologists to rationalize and specify mental processes. The multi-stores model propounded by Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968) is a classic model of fund, which describes retentiveness in landmarks of information flowing through a system. however the model is not without flaws, as it possesses weaknesses as show be critically analyzed in this evaluation.The information touch model concentrates on how information from the environment through the senses is touch on and utilized by the brain.Schunk(1996) posits that the information impact models are various theoretical perspectives dealing with the sequence and execution of cognitive events, mainly focusing on h ow people react to environmentalstimuli, encode, store, and retrieve when needed. hence giving the perspective that pupils are active seekers and processers of information. The flow of information principally posterior be traced from the environmental stimuli. These are raw facts and figures that we capture from the meet using our senses. A stimulus can move from our senses to the short register, when we pay attention to the stimulus, and thus our internal process begins. According to Baron (2001)learning becomes the process of commuting our symbolic representations to retrospection where there may be processed and the study of learning is primarily through the study of remembrance The multi-store model is a classical model of retentiveness which was suggest that memory is make up of a series or stores and information is processed and stored in ternary stages namely sensorial, short term and tenacious term memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) describes memory in terms of flowing through a system. Information enters the sensory memory through detection environmental stimuli by the sense organs, accordingly through the process of attention and perception moves to the short-term memory. Through description the information may be transferred to long term memory, and if not rehearsed it is then lost from short-term through the process of displacement or decayMcLeod,2007) stunning memory is a brief store of information from the environment,maintaining a sequence of a quarter to half of a second(Fieldman,2010) The sensory register picks up all the environmentalstimuli reaching our senses.The capacity of th sensory memory is preferably large,although it only lasts for milliseconds, as it holdsinformation associated with the senses.If our working memory is relatively free of work,we major power pay attention to the new input and if not, then we would not chance upon or we quickly forget the new information(Baddeley and Hitch,(1974).The other main feat ure of this model is the short-term memory,which is a temporary store for a trammel amount of information and stores from a duration of 0 to 18 seconds,(Fieldman,2010). In this storage information is encoded mainly as echoic. Baron, (2001) postulates that short-term memory can handle about 7 objects at once, but this can be improved by chunking, which is the grouping of items into chunks and this information can be keep by rehearsal or association of the information you are try to remember with already existing knowledge.Therefore the short-term memory becomes springy as this is where consciousness exists and thinking is done.Long term memory is the third main feature of the model,which represents our permanent storehouse of information,and its capacity is unlimited(Ashcraft,1994). There are third categories of long term memory, semantic(for verbal information and essence), episodic memory(for events) and procedural memory for how to do things. The prospect of information reac hing the long term memory according to Driscoll(1994) depends upon the length of the message and familiarity of it with information already stored.The major effectivity of this model is based on its ability to set a origin on other studies as memory studies provide evidence to throw the distinction between short term and long time. Mcleod (2007) posits that the model is potent as it has generated a lot of research into memory. Furthermore, studies of amnesiacs also supported the ingrained of this model. This show the relevancy of the information processing model tolearning as it is consistant with empirical findings and provides an excellent framework for understanding the principles of effective learning.The information processing model is also blamed for over simplifying facts and does not account for the caseful of information processed. The working memory is treated as a sincere store of memory. This view is contradicted by Baddeleys(2001) model of working memory which co nsists of three components, theexecutory loop, and visual spacial sketchpad,with uses which vary from selecting incoming information, determine processing and constructing meaning through inferences and subsequently transfer the processed information to long term or delete it from the memory system altogether.Therefore,patronage that, the information processing model provides a conceptual model which explains the different functions and constrains on human memory it fails to recognize that the short term memory and long term are more complex than previously assumed.The interactions between short-term memory and long term memory were under emphasized and do not discriminate between levels in the long term memory,and of essence does not explain how the long term influences short term and sensory memory. Mcleod (2007) viewed the model as a one way or linear with rigid slipway of operation, and also argues that rehearsal is too simple to account for the transfer of information. Schraw (2001) joint that several useful terms have been developed to elaboratecognitive processing curiously in working memory, for example the limited cognitive resources and attention resources, which stand by explain why there are differences between one learner and another.Therefore these and the fact that it is just a model and there is not very a way to prove its true, contributes to the view point that the information processing model has significant.In conclusion, the information processing model gives the three vital stages of information processing, which are greatly regarded in most recent studies as they have provided a framework for understanding principles of effective learning. Therefore despite the great number of flaws the model is quite significant.REFERENCE1. Ashcraft,M.H (1996), Human remembering and Cognition, Harpercollins College DIV 2. Atkinson, R. C., and Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory A proposed system and its control processes, New York schoolman Pre ss. 3. Baddeley, A .D. and Hitch, G.(1974). Working memory, New York Academic Press. 4. Baddeley,A.D.(1998).Human Memory,theory and Practice. BostonAllyn and Bacon 5. Baron, R.A(2001) psychological science, New DelhiDorling Kindersley 6. Driscoll, M.P. (1994) Psychology Of Learning For Instruction, BostonAllyn and Bacon 7. Fieldman,S.R (2010)Understanding Psychology,MacGraw-Hill 8. Schunk, D.H (1996) Learning theories(2nd edition) New JerseyMerrill 9. http//www.simplypsychology.org/multi-store.html

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